Final Review

All: The review session will take place on Monday at noon in room 3K3.  Please try to arrive 5-10 minutes early so we can get organized and start working on content at noon. If you have any questions before Monday, please feel free to email me.

Tuesday, June 5

All: Here is the teacher evaluation. If you plan to fill it out, please do so by the end of the week. Many thanks!

Monday, June 4

Section 1 & 3: Complete all electrostatic and electrodynamic questions in the old final, as well as, make yourself 'review notes' for electrodynamics (similar to what we did in class for electrostatics).

Section 2: Keep working on your 'review notes' in your notebook. You should complete the following topics: electrostatics, electrodynamics (circuits) and magnetism.

For Monday, June 4

All Sections: Follow ALL of these instructions carefully; any worksheets that we started in class on Friday should be used to practice drawing ray diagrams and using the lens and magnification equations. If you feel confused about these equations, you can find further information on page 421 of your textbook, or you can use this website:
Now check this out! It's a ray diagram for a concave lens (sweet!). Here are some good instructions on how to draw one:

Finally, YOU NEED TO COMPLETE THIS WORKSHEET FOR NEXT CLASS (click on link). You can skip #5. All answers should show your work AND have a diagram drawn.
Lenses Homework

Hanno un buon weekend i miei studenti bravi!!

Thursday, May 31

All Sections: Complete the ray diagram packet handed out in class today.
**Sections 2 & 3, also answer this question:
Try to come up with some mathematical principles or phrases that describe how the changes in the distance of the object relative to the focal length relate to the distance of the image.
** Section 1: You can find an electronic copy of the worksheet under the 'Homework' section of the blog.

Wednesday, May 30

Sections 1 & 2: Do some research, and in your notebook, write down what type of lenses nearsighted and farsighted people need to correct their vision. Describe why this is using the optic principles we learned about today, and draw some diagrams. This link should help to get you started:

Tuesday, May 29

Section 3:
Do some research, and in your notebook, write down what type of lenses nearsighted and farsighted people need to correct their vision. Describe why this is, and draw some diagrams.

Section 1:
Due Tomorrow:
Read pg. 415-422 in your textbook. In your notebook, copy down the lens/mirror equation, the magnification equation, and the example problem on page 422-423.

Due Friday:
Write a 1-2 page written response to the movie (you should cite particular parts of the movie), with a focus on the following questions:

1) To whom does the burden of 'ethics' fall? Scientist doing the research, politicians funding and applying science and technology in policy or philosophers integrating ethics and science?

2) Which of the aforementioned parties do you think have the loudest voice?

3) Are there any research methods, or topics that are too immoral to pursue? (e.g. human experimentation)

4) Is it possible to pursue the purest desire to understand the mysteries of the universe and maintain a lens of social ethics?

5) Are there any particular events, statements or arguments that really struck you? Why do you think that is?
Here are links to help you formulate your response...
What does ethics mean to contemporary scientist:

To help you understand the power of the bomb:

The decision to drop the bomb:

Other sides of the story:

I've given you plenty to work with but feel free to also bring your own research to the discussion. You've been studying ethics in religion; remember that a  'because I think/feel it's right' mentality is not enough to support a solid, academic discussion points. Be prepared to back up your opinions with facts!