Thursday, September 29

Sections 1 & 2: You should have picked up a review packet from the HMO today. You only need to complete pages 1-3 and 8-11 for next class.

Section 3: You have two worksheets that you should have picked up in the HMO to complete by next class. Check your email over the weekend for an answer key to the 'graph stacks' homework. You should look it over so we can discuss any of you questions or concerns next class.

Friday, September 23

Section 1: Complete Lab 2. Make sure that you answer the questions on the front of the lab and that all of your graphs and description boxes are perfect!

Section 2: Complete the worksheet handed out at the end of the period today.

Section 3: Complete the worksheet handed out at the end of the period today.

All: Check this out!!:

Thursday, September 22

Sections 1 & 2: Follow the instructions from yesterday for Section 3's homework.

Section 3: Complete the worksheet you received in class today

Wednesday, September 21

Section 1: Complete the worksheet given out at the end of the period today

Section 2: Complete the questions on the front of lab 2

Section 3: Your homework has a cool digital component to it. If you go to under the section titled "Phet Simulations" you will see one called 'Moving Man'. Using this sim will help you with your homework document. You can find the document under "Homework" and it is titled 'Moving Man Homework'. Enjoy!

Tuesday, September 20

Section 1: Complete the document titled "HW for day 7", which can be found to the right under the heading 'Homework'. It is a word document; print it out and complete it in PENCIL.

Section 2: If I handed back your 'commute to school' homework, complete it as discussed in class. Also, complete the document titled "HW for day 7", which can be found to the right under the heading 'Homework'. It is a word document; print it out and complete it in PENCIL.

Monday, September 19

Section 1: Complete the 'Graphical Methods' worksheet you received in class today; due tomorrow.

Section 3: Complete the 'Graphical Methods' worksheet you received in class today AND graph your commute to school; due next class.

Weekend of September 16-18

Section 2: Review the worksheet you did for homework Thursday night and use your class notes from Friday to fix any of the position vs time graphs and velocity vs time graphs you think you drew incorrectly. Also, complete the other worksheet given out in class. All of this should be done in pencil.

Section 3: Look over the lab we started in class, "Introduction to Position Graphs" (we only did part 1). Make sure to answer questions 1-6 based on what you did today in class. Then, look at the graphs in Part 2 and 3 and answer question 7-9 using your knowledge from class to make an educated guess. We will test out the accuracy of your response together in class.

Wednesday, September 14

Section 1: Look over the lab we started in class, "Introduction to Position Graphs" (we only did part 1). Make sure to answer questions 1-6 based on what you did today in class. Then, look at the graphs in Part 2 and 3 and answer question 7-9 using your knowledge from class to make an educated guess. We will test out the accuracy of your response together in class.

Section 2:  Finish the worksheet we started today in class. Also, write down on a piece of loose leaf your commute to school (being simple enough so that you can graph your journey). Then graph your commute on a position vs. time graph. You can find graph paper to download on this page. Make time and distance as accurate as possible.

Section 3: You have been assigned a homework on Quia called "Homework: The Metric System and Intro to Motion". You must log-in to do the homework. You must complete the assignment by 6am tomorrow or it will not be on time. Use today's notes in order to complete the work. You may need your calculator.

Tuesday, September 13

Section 2: Finish the graph you started today in class (if you have not already).
Also, check out the lab we started in class, "Introduction to Position Graphs" (we only did part 1). Look at the graph in Part 2 and use it to answer questions 7 & 8. Then look at the graph in Part 3 and answer question 9 using your knowledge from class to make an educated guess. We will test out the accuracy of your response together in class.

Section 3: Take the survey on your Quia Class Page and sign up for

Homework, Monday, September 12th

Section 1: You have been assigned a homework on Quia called "Homework: The Metric System and Intro to Motion". You must log-in to do the homework. You must complete the assignment by 6am tomorrow or it will not be on time. Use today's notes in order to complete the work. You may need your calculator.

Section 2: Complete questions 1-6 from Part 1 of today's lab

Welcome to Physics!

This website is going to be an important part of our class this year. You should check it EVERYDAY. Here you will be able to find homework assignments, study tools, class notes, important links and more.

Your first 'assignment' is to fill out a survey on The link to your Quia Class Page (based on your section) will always be on the top, right hand corner of the blog homepage. You will use the username and password given to you in class to complete the survey by Monday, September 12th.

I look forward to a fun, productive and dynamic year with all of you!