"Physics Phun"

All: Our "Physics Phun" discussions will start this Tuesday, November 1 at 7:45 in 3K3. The video and a link can be found at the bottom of the page. All future 'Phun' info will call be posted there.

For Tuesday, November 1

Sections 1 & 2: There is a document in 'Homework' titled 'Basketball HW'; you should answer the questions in your notebook under the graph you drew in class on Friday.

Section 3: Please complete the 'Skydrive Experiment', which can be found under 'Homework'. You should make an account (if you were unable to make on in class) and then complete the work online. Once you're done, see if you can upload your doc and share it with me (my email is tanzmanj@xavierhs.org)

Tuesday, October 25

All Sections: To study for your quest/twiz/quizam, use the materials we've gone over in class, the Quia jeopardy game and check your email for even more resources. Phun!!

Thursday, October 20

Section 2: Complete packet by Monday. The Quia activity can be found on your class page, it is titled '1 Dimensional Kinematics'- enjoy!

Section 3: Complete pages 1-2 of packet (front and back of each!!!)

Wednesday, October 19

Section 1: By Monday, you should complete the packet that we started in class yesterday. We will go over it when I return. Use your textbook, notes and other physics teachers as resources for completing the assignment.

Section 2: Complete the front AND back of the 1st page of the packet handed out in class today.

Tuesday, October 18

Section 1: Finish questions 1-3 we started in class if you have not already, and take Quia quiz '1D Motion Homework'

Section 3: Under 'Homework' you will find a document called "Using the Guess method...", it has the equations we discussed in class, as well as a sample problem. Look this over and then retake the Quia I-D quiz. Do not log in to Quia until you are ready to take the quiz.

Monday, October 17th

Your assignment for today is an assignment on Quia called '1D Motion Homework'. You can do this assignment up to 3 times (so everyone should get full credit for the homework).
We will go over the problems in class so please keep track of the problems that confused you. YOU MUST DO YOUR WORK ON SCRAP PAPER AND BRING IT IN TO CLASS FOR FULL CREDIT!!!

Friday, October 14

Section 1: Complete worksheet 'word problems homework 2' which can be found under 'Homework'. Due in class on Tuesday.

Section 2: Complete the worksheet given out in class at the end of the period.

Section 3: Complete question #4 on the worksheet we started in class today

Thursday, October 13

Section 2: Using the equations we derived in class today, complete the worksheet 'Intro to word problems' under 'Homework'. How to use the GUESS method is written out for you at the bottom of the page. The first one is done for you as an example.  Due tomorrow in class.

Section 3:Complete the worksheet in the homework column titled "History of Gravity Assignment". It's an outline, so feel free to use bullet points.
**The following links will help you complete the assignment.
(One is for the videos I mentioned today in class. I recommend you watch 'Sir Isacc Newton's Law of Gravity', 'Einstein World' and 'Exploring the Big Bang Theory'):



Tuesday, October 11

Section 1: Complete the worksheet under 'Homework' titled "displacement word problems"; due on Thursday.

Section 3: Test corrections are due on Thursday.

Thursday, October 6

Section 1: Your assignment is the same as the assignment posted for Section 2 yesterday. You should complete the assignment AND your test corrections for Tuesday.

Wednesday, October 5

Section 2: Complete the worksheet in the homework column titled "History of Gravity Assignment". It's an outline, so feel free to use bullet points.

**The following links will help you complete the assignment. One is for the videos we watched today:

History of Gravity
Beyond the Big Bang Theory

Section 3: Make sure to check your email tonight for the packet answer key. Extra help is at 7:45 tomorrow in 3K3.

Tuesday, October 4

Section 3: There is an assignment posted under 'Homework' called "Notes on Area Under v-t Graph". You must complete it for class tomorrow. DO NOT print it on one of the macs in the computer lab at school - you will not be able to open it!! You can print it from one of the PCs in the library.

Monday, October 3

All Sections: Check your Xavier email