Wednesday, November 30

Section 1: Complete pages 5 & 7 of your forces packet.

Sections 2 & 3: Make sure your force table lab is completed correctly AND complete page 7 of your forces packet.

Tuesday, November 29

Section 2: Complete your lab from today. The work for the final question should be on loose leaf. Remember that the summation of all your forces should be zero in each question because your masses were balanced!

Monday, November 28

Section 1: Complete problems 4-6 on the worksheet we started today in class. Also, complete problems 31, 32, 33 & 35 on page 146 of your textbook. Do these problems on a piece of loose leaf.

Section 3: Complete the lab we started today in class, including the summation of your forces on a piece of loose leaf.

Thank You!


Thank you so much for your generosity towards our 'T-giving $' fund. I was able to use the $57 in cash to buy 12 cartons of shelf stable milk, 10 can of chicken broth and 2 cans of canned fruit. I also donated over $10 in coins to the Campus Ministry office to help them fund service trips! I am so proud to be the teacher of such generous young men...way to go!

Thanksgiving Break Assignment

All sections should have pages 1-4 in the forces packet (the one your received in class) complete by Monday (you should have already done pages 1-2).

Happy Thanksgiving!

Tuesday, November 22

Sections 2 & 3: Homework doc can be found in the 'Homework' section. Complete problems 1-5.

Monday, November 21

Section 1: Complete Using Newton's Laws and pages 1-4 of Forces packet by next class.

Sections 2 & 3: Complete pages 1-2 (front and back of the first page) of the Forces packet given out in class today.

Thursday, November 17th

All Sections: Read Chapter 6, Section 1 of your textbook (pages. 117 - 125) and complete questions 1-6 on page 125 (Section Review) in your notebook.

Wednesday, November 16

Sections 2: Complete the 'Intro to Forces' packet for homework.

Monday, November 14

Sections 2 & 3: Quiz corrections are due tomorrow. Make up quiz starts at 7:30 tomorrow morning. Do not forget your calculator.

For Kairos Students

1) STUDY for a 2-D motion quiz. Use our class notes and HW, as well as, the following link to help you study:

2) Read Chapter 6, Section 1 of your textbook

3) Complete the assignment posted for Sections 2&3 on Thursday.

I will be in on Monday at 7:45 for extra help.
Welcome Back!

Thursday, November 10

Section 1: Complete the packet we started today in class. Enjoy your weekend!

Sections 2 & 3: Follow these instructions carefully:

You can find a very cool program under the 'Phet Simulations' called 'Vector Addition'. You will use it to complete questions 1-8 on the worksheet called 'Intro to Vectors_Phet' under 'Homework'. Enjoy your weekend!

Monday, November 7

Section 1: Below is another practice problem to help you study. Check your email for the answer key. Use your notes and Ch.7  in the textbook to help you study. I'll be in for extra help tomorrow at 7:45.

A projectile shot at an angle of 60o above the horizontal strikes a building 80 m away at a point 48 m above the point of projection. (a) Find the initial velocity, (b) Find the magnitude & direction of the velocity when it strikes the building.

Section 2: Complete the following problem in your notebook for homework:

A football is kicked with an initial velocity at an angle of 45-degrees with the horizontal. The football lands 22 meters away from the kick-off tee. Determine the time of flight, the initial velocity, and the peak height of the football.

For Monday, November 7th

Section 1: Complete this problem on a sheet of loose-leaf paper:

A long jumper leaves the ground with an initial velocity of 14 m/s at an angle of 30-degrees above the horizontal. Determine the time of flight, the horizontal distance, and the peak height of the long-jumper.

Section 3: Complete this problem on a sheet of loose-leaf paper:

A football is kicked with an initial velocity at an angle of 45-degrees with the horizontal. The football lands 22 meters away from the kick-off tee. Determine the time of flight, the initial velocity, and the peak height of the football.

Thursday, November 3

Sections 2 & 3: You can find in the 'Homework' section a video to set you up for the "Frozen Chicken Problem". This video will only get you started. You should then check out the full answer key in .doc format, which can also be found under 'Homework'. Next, test out your skills by doing problem 48 at the end of chapter 7 in your textbook. Good luck!

**Note: You CAN watch the video in internet explorer - you may just have to enable pop-ups for that moment. 

Physics Phun Moved to Wednesday, November 2

I will be in tomorrow, so our discussion will take place at 7:45 in 3K3. Hope to see you there!

Tuesday, November 1

All Sections: I'm sorry for my absence today guys. Physics Phun will be rescheduled - special apologizes go out to guys who came early - I was looking forward to today's discussion!

Here's your assignment for the day: Watch for following video - you will hear and see Mr. Lavy solving a 2-D motion problem. We started to talk about this in class - most importantly how we have to classify our givens in the x and y dimensions now. Watching this video should help you understand what this means in terms of problem solving with our kinematic equations.

Projectile Motion Video

Now read pages 155 - 158 in your textbook. Use the video and the example problem on page 157 to help you attempt #9 on page 158. Do all the work in your notebook.

Good Luck Gents!