Wednesday, February 29

Section 2: Exercise your brain! Try implementing Ohm's Law (V = IR) by completing problems 5-8 on page 515 of your textbook. If you cannot complete the problem - try writing down your givens. Buona Fortuna!

Tuesday, February 28

All: Complete your 'Electric Circuit Design Challenge'. Make sure to draw a schematic for #7. Also, using the values that you found for voltage and current, come up with a relationship between them. You can do this mathematically or using words. Be as complete as possible.

Monday, February 27

All (jrs): For next Monday:
Write a one page, typed paper about the difference between Special and General Relativity. You should include concepts we've been discussing in class, including but not limited to, reference frames, speed of light, spacetime, gravity and the universal forces that we saw in today's video. Upon completion, you should upload your paper to - your class info can be found on the side of this blog. Feel free to use legitimate internet sources; here's a helpful link to get you started:

Thursday, February 16

Section 1: Using the equation you learned today in class for Power, complete problems 1-4 on page 511 of your textbook.

Tuesday, February 14

Sections 2 & 3: First, complete the assignment that was posted for Section 1 on Thursday 2/9.
Then, check out the following website:
In your notebook, draw all of the circuit 'symbols'. Test your knowledge at the bottom of the page. Then, convert your drawings from Friday's "challenge" into schematic diagrams, like those your see on the website.


Check your email - I have sent you all you need to prepare for Monday's class.

Thursday, February 9

Section 1: Today you had several challenges in class. You should have drawn one diagram in your notebook already (how to light one bulb with the battery). Under that, write about the following:
-Explain why you think your particular set up worked.
-What do you think would happen if you connected both wires to just the positive end of the battery? Explain.
-You had two separate challenges with the hand crank using two light bulbs. In one set up, taking out a light bulb DID turn out the other light bulb, while in the other set up, the same process made the other light bulb brighter (wow! how electrifying!). Draw two diagrams, one for each set up. Then write a description of why you experienced these two different phenomena.

Tuesday, February 7

Sections 1 & 3: Answer keys can be found in 'Homework' section on the right.

Go Big Blue

No homework

Thursday, February 2

Section 1: First, look at the image below. Redraw these diagrams in your notebook; then decide which are correct and which are incorrect. If they are incorrect, explain why.

Then, read chapter 21, section 2 - it will be tricky - challenge yourself to understand! Then complete problems 5-8 on page 493. We will discuss them in class tomorrow.

Section 2: Complete problems 32-36 at the end of chapter 21

Section 3: Read chapter 21, section 2 - it will be tricky - challenge yourself to understand! Then complete problems 5-8 on page 493. We will discuss them in class tomorrow.

Wednesday, February 1

Section 1: Complete the following problems from the end of chapter 21 - #23-26, 29

Section 2: Read chapter 21, section 2 - it will be tricky - challenge yourself to understand! Then complete problems 5-8 on page 493. We will discuss them in class tomorrow.

Section 3: Read chapter 21, section 1 in your textbook. Complete section review questions 1-3 on page 487 and #24-26 on page 503.