Quia Quiz Instructions

Section 1: You will have 46 minutes to take this quiz from the time you start. You should do ALL your work on scrap paper. Your parent/guardian MUST sign your scrap paper, acknowledging that you did your work on your own (no cell phones, textbooks, notebooks, etc.)

Good Luck!

Monday, December 19

All Sections: Read pgs. 223-227 in your textbook. Complete problems 1-5 on pg. 227.

Thursday, December 15

Section 1: You should complete question 2 from your lab (all parts). You also have test corrections due tomorrow.

Section 3: Check your email.

Tuesday, December 13

Section 1:  Read pages 163-166 in your textbook. Answer questions 14-16 on page 166 in your notebook.

Sections 2 & 3: Complete the following problems in your notebook:

n1) What is the radius of the circle in which a 240-kg motorcycle and rider are traveling if they are going 35 m/s and the force exerted on the tires perpendicular to the velocity is 6200 N? 
n2) A ball at the end of a string has a mass of 150 grams. It is traveling at 4.0 meters per second and the string is 65 centimeters long. How great is the tension in the string? 
n3) A 45-kg woman is on a rotating platform in a amusement park, 2.5 meters from the center of rotation. If she is going 4.5 m/s, what frictional force between her body and the platform is needed to keep her from flying off at a tangent?

Monday, December 12

Section 1: Complete the experiment that was posted over the weekend for sections 2 & 3

Sections 2 & 3: Read pages 163-166 in your textbook. Answer questions 14-16 on page 166 in your notebook.

For Monday, December 12

Sections 2 & 3: Complete the following 'experiment' at home and write your findings in your notebook.

You will need a small round object and a string. This is an experiment best done outside, but if you must do it inside, make sure you are using a soft object!
Attach the object to the end of the string. Holding on to the end of the string without the object, swing the object until it is moving with uniform circular motion. Once you have the made a perfect circle, let go of the string and watch the object's trajectory. Make a note of the direction of it's movement. Repeat this experiment 6 times and see if you can notice any patterns. Finally, answer the following question:

Since acceleration is a rate, it can only have one direction (and we know it must have a direction since it is a vector quantity). Since the direction of the object is constantly changing, acceleration obviously can't be in the direction of the object's movement. So, in which direction is the object accelerating?

Tuesday, December 6

Section 1: Read pages 152- 154 in your textbook. On page 154, complete problems 5-8 and Section Review #1

All: Rock a bow tie tomorrow for a point back on your next test! 

Monday, December 5

Section 2 & 3: Complete pages 9 & 10 of your forces packet

Friday, December 2

Section 1: Re-do your summation of forces from the Force table lab. Also, in the forces packet, complete the rest of page 8 and page 6. Check your email for help with page 8.

Sections 2 & 3: Read pages 152- 154 in your textbook. On page 154, complete problems 5-8 and Section Review #1

Thursday, December 1

Section 1: Complete your force tables lab (including summation of forces on loose leaf paper)

Sections 2 &3: Complete page 6 in your forces packet

All: There will be a Physics Phun discussion tomorrow @ 7:45 in 3K3. The topic will be the mechanics behind large aircraft such as Airbus planes and Spacecraft. You can find articles at the bottom of the page. Feel free to come with your own material. DO NOT show up if you have not done any of the reading.