For Monday, December 12

Sections 2 & 3: Complete the following 'experiment' at home and write your findings in your notebook.

You will need a small round object and a string. This is an experiment best done outside, but if you must do it inside, make sure you are using a soft object!
Attach the object to the end of the string. Holding on to the end of the string without the object, swing the object until it is moving with uniform circular motion. Once you have the made a perfect circle, let go of the string and watch the object's trajectory. Make a note of the direction of it's movement. Repeat this experiment 6 times and see if you can notice any patterns. Finally, answer the following question:

Since acceleration is a rate, it can only have one direction (and we know it must have a direction since it is a vector quantity). Since the direction of the object is constantly changing, acceleration obviously can't be in the direction of the object's movement. So, in which direction is the object accelerating?