Tuesday, January 31

Section 1:  Read chapter 21, section 1 in your textbook. Complete section review questions 1-3 on page 487.

Section 2: Read chapter 21, section 1 in your textbook. Complete section review questions 1-3 on page 487 and #24-26 on page 503.

Monday, January 30

Section 3: Here are the discussion questions for the video:

1) How did Newton define space? Why was his definition so groundbreaking at the time?

2) What is special about the speed of light? Give an example that proves your point.

3) How did Einstein use the speed of light to redefine space? How did Einstein's definition of space differ from Newton's?

4) How did Einstein use his new idea of spacetime to explain how gravity holds the moon in orbit around the Earth?

5) Do you think the period in history and the environment Einstein grew up in played a role in his ability to complete his 'thought experiments'? Why or why not?


Here is your assignment for Monday:

-Check your email - I have emailed you a pdf to read. In the reading, there are some references to "the bucket." Don't worry about them. In fact, don't worry too much about "making sense of this reading" since the stuff in it is really, truly, weird. If you can answer the questions respectably, I'll be happy.

-Answer the following questions in your own words (not copied from the reading). They must be typed out and turned in when you enter class next Monday.

1) Why did scientists think that luminiferous aether must exist?

2) What point is the author trying to make about space-time in the Bart Simpson 65mph skateboard analogy on page 48? Hint: this point is really, really odd. If what he's saying seems perfectly sensible, you don't understand it.

3) Has Einstein's theory of relativity ever been experimentally verified?

4) What is the author getting at with his "angling the slices" analogy? Again, if your answer makes common sense, you're wrong.

Thursday, January 26

Sections 2 & 3: Here are some extra Coulomb's Law practice problems. Don't forget - quiz tomorrow! I'll be in before homeroom if you have questions.

1) Three particles are placed in a straight line. The left particle has a charge of +2.0 x 10^-5 C, the middle particle has a charge of -4.0 x 10^-6 C, and the right particle has a charge of +3.0 x 10^-5 C. The left particle is 56 mm from the middle particle and the right particle is 42 mm from the middle particle. Find the net force on the LEFT particle.

2) A positive charge of 23 µC is 15 cm directly north of a positive charge of 38µC. A third positive charge of 71 µC is 45 cm directly west of the 38 µC charge. Determine the net force on the 38µC charge. 

3) Find the force on the 3.0 µC charge in the image below:

Wednesday, January 25

Section 1: On the worksheet handed out in class today, complete problems 1, 2, 4, 6 and 8 in your notebook.

Section 2:  On the worksheet handed out in class today, complete problems 1-5 in your notebook.

Section 3:  On the worksheet handed out in class today, complete problems 1, 2, 4, 5, 6 and 8 in your notebook.

Tuesday, January 24

All: Complete the worksheet handed out in class today.

Those of you who began the 3 particle problem in class, the charge on the middle particle(B) is 12.5N toward C and the charge on the right particle(C) is 40.7N toward B.

Monday, January 23

Sections 1 & 2: Here are the discussion questions from today's video:

1) How did Newton define space? Why was his definition so groundbreaking at the time?

2) What is special about the speed of light? Give an example that proves your point.

3) How did Einstein use the speed of light to redefine space? How did Einstein's definition of space differ from Newton's?

4) How did Einstein use his new idea of spacetime to explain how gravity holds the moon in orbit around the Earth?

5) Do you think the period in history and the environment Einstein grew up in played a role in his ability to complete his 'thought experiments'? Why or why not?

Friday, January 20

Section 1: In your textbook, read chapter 20, section 2. Then in your notebook, answer questions 5 - 10 on page 477.

Section 3: Complete practice problems 1-5 on page 476 of your textbook.

Thursday, January 19

Sections 2 & 3: In your textbook, read pages 468 - 476 and complete Section Review questions 1-4 on page 476 in your notebook.

Here is a short article on some interesting uses of electrostatics - Enjoy!
Uses of Electrostatics

Wednesday, January 18

All: Read the following and then write your explanations on a piece of loose-leaf:

Today in class I rubbed a piece of styrofoam on my head, then put it on a device called an electroscope (see below) and the needle deflected. Explain what happened.

By the way, a common wrong answer says that the needle repels the styrofoam. You know that's wrong because only the top half of the needle goes down; the bottom half goes up.

Explain why when I put the styrofoam on the electroscope, touch the needle with my finger and then remove the styrofoam, the styrofoam deflects.

Tuesday, January 17

All: Read pages 461-466 in your textbook and take notes on your reading - you will need this information in class tomorrow.
**Section 1- use this reading to explain, in your notebook, the phenomena we saw today with the pieces of tape.

Midterm Review

Check your email for the answer key to the multiple choice review sheet. Also, you can get an old midterm and the multiple choice answers for that midterm on Mr. Lavy's webpage. The link is the below:


Friday, January 6


I'm sorry about my absence today. Extra materials will go up today and over the weekend to help you study for the midterm. I will be available to you for extra help/review on THURSDAY after exams are completed in room 3K3. 

I will be in the cafeteria on Friday 10:30 - 12 if you have any last minute questions. Of course, if questions come up throughout the week as you study, please feel free to email me. 

Thursday, January 5

Section 2: Complete questions 16-20 in the multiple choice packet and #5 (on page 15) in the 2008 midterm.

Section 1: Complete the multiple choice packet. 

Wednesday, January 4

Section 1:  Complete back of today's kinematics worksheet (#4-7) and #17-22 in the Midterm Review Packet

Section 3: Complete questions #24-47 in the midterm review packet

Tuesday, January 3

Welcome back y'all!

Sections 2 & 3: Complete the back of today's worksheet (#4-7)