Thursday, January 26

Sections 2 & 3: Here are some extra Coulomb's Law practice problems. Don't forget - quiz tomorrow! I'll be in before homeroom if you have questions.

1) Three particles are placed in a straight line. The left particle has a charge of +2.0 x 10^-5 C, the middle particle has a charge of -4.0 x 10^-6 C, and the right particle has a charge of +3.0 x 10^-5 C. The left particle is 56 mm from the middle particle and the right particle is 42 mm from the middle particle. Find the net force on the LEFT particle.

2) A positive charge of 23 µC is 15 cm directly north of a positive charge of 38µC. A third positive charge of 71 µC is 45 cm directly west of the 38 µC charge. Determine the net force on the 38µC charge. 

3) Find the force on the 3.0 µC charge in the image below: