
Here is your assignment for Monday:

-Check your email - I have emailed you a pdf to read. In the reading, there are some references to "the bucket." Don't worry about them. In fact, don't worry too much about "making sense of this reading" since the stuff in it is really, truly, weird. If you can answer the questions respectably, I'll be happy.

-Answer the following questions in your own words (not copied from the reading). They must be typed out and turned in when you enter class next Monday.

1) Why did scientists think that luminiferous aether must exist?

2) What point is the author trying to make about space-time in the Bart Simpson 65mph skateboard analogy on page 48? Hint: this point is really, really odd. If what he's saying seems perfectly sensible, you don't understand it.

3) Has Einstein's theory of relativity ever been experimentally verified?

4) What is the author getting at with his "angling the slices" analogy? Again, if your answer makes common sense, you're wrong.