Thursday, March 29 - Friday, March 30

Section 2 (and Section 1 for the weekend): Here's the video we watched today in class:
Using your knowledge of circuits and magnetic fields around a current-carrying wire, draw some diagrams that explain the phenomena you see. Your drawings should include schematic diagrams, magnetic field lines and force vectors. You should write a short explanation to go along with your diagrams. Do this neatly on a piece of loose leaf.

**Section 1, don't forget that your class is still meeting!**

Wednesday, March 28

Section 1: Answer the following questions in your notebook:
1) Do magnets have to touch each other in order to experience a magnetic
force? Explain.
2) How do you think a compass works?
3) A strong magnet in a junkyard can lift a car; what does this tell you about
the relative strength of the magnetic and gravitational forces on the car? What do you think creates this magnetic force?
4) What is the difference between a permanent and a temporary magnet?
5) Research the difference between a magnet and a conductor that is charged by induction (separation of charge).

Section 3: Watch the following video, and read pg. 560 - 563 in your textbook -
Then, attempt practice problems 4-6 on page 563 (write your answers in your notebook).

Tuesday, March 27

Sections 2 & 3: Answer the following questions in your notebook:
1) Do magnets have to touch each other in order to experience a magnetic
force? Explain.
2) How do you think a compass works?
3) A strong magnet in a junkyard can lift a car; what does this tell you about
the relative strength of the magnetic and gravitational forces on the car? What do you think creates this magnetic force?
4) What is the difference between a permanent and a temporary magnet?
5) Research the difference between a magnet and a conductor that is charged by induction (separation of charge).

Thursday, March 22

All: Check your email for the answer key to the 'Make Up Test'. Also, this website is a great study tool:

Wednesday, March 21

Section 1: Keep working through the "Make Up Test" packet; review; study!

Section 2: Complete 'Make Up Test' to the best of your ability. Come in with questions!

All: Test Friday!

Thursday, March 15

All: You should check out the link below. By Tuesday, you should have a handle of all of the circuits you see on the webpage (the answers are available). If you don't, make sure you come see me for extra help. Pay extra attention to the current flow through the various resistors. Enjoy!:

Tuesday, March 13

Section 2: Answer the following questions in reference to the 3-Resistor circuit diagram that you drew in your notebooks today. The answers should be written under the diagram.
1- With the switch closed, what is the relationship between the current the flows through R2 and R3?
2- With the switch open, what can we say about the voltage drop across R1 in comparison to the voltage drop across R2? Explain.
3- With the switch closed, what can we say about the voltage drop across R2 in comparison to the voltage drop across R3? Explain.
4- With the switch open, what can we say about the power output of R1 in comparison to the power output of R2? (HINT: Use the P = IV equation)
5- With the switch closed, how does the power output of each resistor (1, 2 & 3) compare?

Section 1: Complete the worksheet given out at the end of class. STUDY!

Thursday, March 8

Sections 2 & 3: Complete the packet handed out in class today.

Wednesday, March 7

Section 1: Complete in your notebook problems 4, 9, 10, 11, 15 and 18 on pages 550 and 551of your textbook.

Section 2:  Read this! (because it's sweet)

Section 3: Exercise your brain! Try implementing Ohm's Law (V = IR) by completing problems 5-8 on page 515 of your textbook.

Tuesday, March 6

Sections 2 & 3: Complete in your notebook problems 4, 9, 10, 11, 15 and 18 on pages 550 and 551of your textbook.


Don't forget that you have a one page paper on the difference between special and general relativity due on!

Thursday, March 1

Section 3: Finish your post-lab questions