Tuesday, March 13

Section 2: Answer the following questions in reference to the 3-Resistor circuit diagram that you drew in your notebooks today. The answers should be written under the diagram.
1- With the switch closed, what is the relationship between the current the flows through R2 and R3?
2- With the switch open, what can we say about the voltage drop across R1 in comparison to the voltage drop across R2? Explain.
3- With the switch closed, what can we say about the voltage drop across R2 in comparison to the voltage drop across R3? Explain.
4- With the switch open, what can we say about the power output of R1 in comparison to the power output of R2? (HINT: Use the P = IV equation)
5- With the switch closed, how does the power output of each resistor (1, 2 & 3) compare?

Section 1: Complete the worksheet given out at the end of class. STUDY!