Monday, May 21

Section 1: Go to
The applet allows you to change the position of a laser, and also change both media. You can drag a protractor onto the screen to measure the angles of incidence and refraction.
You have two assignments:
1) Devise a procedure to calculate the index of refraction for Materials "Mystery A" and "Mystery B," and then carry it out. Tell me what you did, write down the angles you measured, and show your calculations.

2) Make the first medium water and the second air. Continue to increase the incident angle. At some point, light will stop refracting. The greatest incident angle for which refraction will occur called the critical angle. Find the critical angle for light as it goes from water to air.

Section 2: Read pages 403-404 (Total Internal Reflection) in your textbook. Also, read the 'How It Works' section on page 405 and answer the two Thinking Critically questions at the bottom of the page.

Finally, check your email later for the six flags assignment. I will be in by 4th period, so if you want, you may stop by later in the day to pick up a hard copy of the assignment from me.